The HeartMath Institute
“The Power of Giving and Living Life Through Your Heart”

A Podcast Interview Conducted by

Until the moment I listened to a Podcast called “The Power of Giving and Living Life Through Your Heart” aired by Hiking In Heals (a play on words by two women empowering other women to overcome their fears and tap into their greatness), I couldn’t have told you anything about the subject of HeartMath.
Jessica Headey Gandolfi and Teresa Coltrin, two exceptional, warm hearted women, both of whom have overcome challenging periods in their lives to become respected Podcasters, have been sharing their talents and stories with Charity Needs Foundation, enlightening us about some amazing people.
Their aim with the Podcast is to empower, support and inspire women around the globe, encouraging them to follow their passions and dreams to ultimately become the best versions of themselves.

Article written by Jonathan Fleming and Hiking In Heals.

So, HeartMath, what is that? You might already know, but for myself… zilch.
It sounded like something to do with counting the beats, and if so, I questioned, “what ridiculous pleasure could be derived by that”? However, it’s easy to judge before you know, and that is a trap I don’t like falling into, neither should you.

Fear not reader, we've looked into it and it’s all good, Since you’re here scrolling through this article, then curiosity or good old interest has the better of you. Maybe you’re seeking inspiration to do something charitable either for yourself or someone else; to contribute somehow; or perhaps guidance is your goal into doing something meaningful at some point soon.

Well, whatever your reason, I shall stop my rambling and introduce you properly to an organisation that will bring you wellbeing, warmth and balance within yourself which is the best tonic for being able to reach out and help others.

The ladies of Hiking In Heals were incredibly excited to share their special guest Erin Toppenberg with Charity Needs Foundation and so were we.

Erin Toppenberg. Erin Topenberg co-founder of The Waterbearers

Erin is one of the most inspiring, gracious and empowering women the Hiking In Heals women are proud to know, and Charity Needs are grateful that Hiking In Heals have shared their podcast enabling us to guide you, with purpose and meaning, to the charitable organisations that philanthropist, Erin Toppenberg, is involved with.

Erin Toppenberg's mission is to connect more and more in the heart. Erin is a certified HeartMath trainer as well as being involved in many other charities and organizations, including HeartMath, where the one common goal and purpose is elevating the consciousness and compassion of the world.

Erin is the mother of two daughters which fuels her passion to work on behalf of the empowerment of women and children worldwide.

Sitting on many boards, she is a very active member of The Waterbearers Charity, serving as a Co-Founder and Director. Erin was instrumental in structuring the key partnership with Waves for Water campaign to bring clean water to millions of people globally. This has now turned into a women led, women empowered, focused nonprofit, providing clean water around the world.

Erin also serves on the Board of Directors for the Fyera Foundation. She especially enjoys working with impoverished ‘at risk’ youth in Nicaragua by providing mentoring, helping with schoolwork and inspiration. She frequently travels to Nicaragua, and incorporates the element of clean water distribution in these trips and across all her endeavors.

Passionate about the issue of ending sex trafficking, Erin has attended sessions at the UN Commissions on the Status of Women serving as a delegate with Pathways to Peace.

Additionally, with all her philanthropic work, Erin is a universal kabbalist, and as such is forever seeking a deeper wisdom, a deeper understanding, and a deeper meaning.

You can listen to the full recording of Erin’s interview by Hiking In Heals in this podcast:

A podcast interview by Hiking In Heals with Erin Toppenberg of the HeartMath Institute

In the podcast Jessica and Teresa talk about:

  • The power and the science of the heart
  • Breathing from the heart space
  • Managing stressful situations through your heart
  • Learning how to live from your heart on a daily basis
  • The power of giving
  • The amount of joy the simple act of giving clean water can bring
  • Women, water and wisdom

Nonprofit organisations supported by Erin Toppenberg:

Other Resources:

While ‘hiking in heels' maybe backbreaking, 'hiking in heals', on the other hand, can be rather soothing.
Yep, that's the sort of play on words for which Hiking In Heals has meaning.

If you haven’t already listened to it, please go back and enjoy the podcast.

Jonathan Fleming

(CNF Trustee & Founder)

Did You Know... HeartMath Institute The HeartMath Institute

This is a CNF Feature Article

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Head/Cover picture by The HeartMath Institute —
Article written by Jonathan Fleming and Hiking In Heals
Article edited by Charity Needs Foundation
Podcast — The Power of Giving and Living Life Through Your Heart
Released 27th July 2018 at 09:00.
Modified — Never

Credits from CNF:

  • Our grateful thanks go out to Hiking In Heals. Well done ladies.